Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bio Bags :)

Let's take a minute to talk about grocery shopping... you hop on your bike, with your basket, your fabulous bike bell, and your reusable shopping bag (you green gal, you). There you are, cruising through the locally grown, organic produce and you...

a) grab a plastic bag and start picking out the best tomatoes
b) throw the oranges into your large grocery bag where they are promptly smashed under the rest of your items and cannot be weighed at the register
c) whip out your own adorable, reusable produce bags from ECOBAGS! They sell all different sizes and shapes, or even make your own little "ditty bag" by cutting up an inexpensive mesh laundry bag and tying it together to your liking with some yarn or string.  You can also find them here, 3 for $7.50.
Happy shopping!

This one was kind of a gimme, but just keep these cute little bags next to, or inside your grocery bags to avoid the added plastic that can add up. Use them at the farmer's market, too :D